Hi! We're Fabián and Erin

Tired of the same old, same old? We were, too.

Too often, Costa Rican vacations – the ones you find online, the ones plastered throughout your travel books, the ones your favorite search engine spits out – are merely a [not-too-original] repackaging of one another. That hurts a little.

Okay, it hurts a lot. Because, Costa Rica is not a boring country. (But, you already knew that.) Why, then, does every trip seem to repeat itself?

Costa Rica Wanderlust was born of this – of a soul that craves more, desires more, needs more. Travel should be anything but cookie-cutter. You deserve better.

We get you. You seek to experience Costa Rica. The real, the different, the unexpected Costa Rica. Whether it's your first or your fifth time, you know there's something more to Costa Rica. You know it's out there.

We knew it, too.

We could tell you that we have 20 years of combined experience in Costa Rica travel and that we customize every, single trip. We could tell you that we’re 100% local and that we personally curate the details of your trip. But everyone else tells you that, too.

So, we’ll tell you about the real Wanderlust difference: We know that you’re more than a round peg to jam into a square hole. We’ve traipsed, trekked and traveled for years to uncover Costa Rica's magic: eco hotels that power themselves, waterfalls carved into isolated canyons, farm-to-table meals that give Costa Rican cuisine a great name.

Our trips are not the same-old, same-old.

Whether you’re here for your first visit and want to tackle Costa Rica’s highlights, or are back for your fifth trip and crave absolutely everything outside-the-box, we’ll make it happen. We'll add wonder back into your travels. Just try us.

Welcome to a world of uncommon trips and unexpected moments. Because Costa Rica Wanderlust was made for you – for the curious, experience-focused traveler. Here, there’s not a cookie-cutter in sight.


✓ We're Real People

 We're just like you: Passionate travelers who don't want to settle for a dispassionate experience. We get you in ways the big guys don't.

✓ We Listen

We spend a lot of time getting to know you. Listening to you. Understanding you. So we can build the trip you'd plan, if you only had the time.

✓ We're Picky

High standards – we have 'em! We choose the most authentic, the most sustainable, the most whatever you seek. Accept no substitutions.