Surprise Vacation in Costa Rica

6 Days

Costa Rica is full of surprises.

Where will yours take you?

Surprise travel has taken the vacation world by storm: Ditch predictability. Engage suspense. And eliminate the dreaded pre-trip slog through all the detailed minutiae that make for planning stress.

Finally. You can get excited again about travel!

A Costa Rica Surprise Vacation, Your Way

Our Costa Rica surprise vacations give you control without the stress:

  • Must-visit destinations? We’ll include ’em.
  • Must-see sights? You’ll go there.
  • Must-do activities? On the itinerary.
  • Must-have experiences? Check!
  • Must-stay hotels or resorts? You’re there.

Sketch an outline of your trip and we’ll fill in all the nitty-gritty bits. We’ll get you from must-visit Point A to must-visit Point B. We’ll make sure you go on the BEST of that must-do activity. (All canopy tours are not created equal.) And along the way, we’ll add in just the right level of surprise, for you.

Bottom line: Our surprises don’t have to be a total surprise. If you have preferences, we’ll accommodate them. But if you don’t…

Up for a Complete Surprise?

Abandon yourself to anticipation and go all-in on our Costa Rica surprise vacation.

You’ll give us some hints as to your travel style – high adventure or luxury spa? high adventure AND luxury spa? – but you won’t know where you’re going or what you’re doing – until you get here.

We’ll meet you at the airport, itinerary in hand. And from there, the adventure begins.

Well, kind of. Because at Costa Rica Wanderlust, we admit we’re a little extra. We’ll work to make your surprise vacation the trip of your dreams. Crave clues before you depart? We’ll send them! Want to go full scavenger hunt? We have the cryptic rhymes for you! Fancy a photo sneak-peek into your destinations, digs, and day plans? We’ll tease you.

Bottom line: We’ll make your surprise vacation a total (or almost-total) surprise, if that’s the way you like it!

Get Started on Planning Your Surprise Vacation

You are not a cookie and these trips are not cookie cutter.

From initial planning to the end of your trip, you’ll speak with a real person. The same person, always. Because, it’s our job to get to know you, so we can plan a surprise trip we know you’ll love.

At Costa Rica Wanderlust, we think surprise vacations are super exciting. We love to plan them. And we’re proud to work with you throughout the process. This is surprise travel, your way.

So, tell us your dreams. Add in all those wishlist items. Lay out your budget. And then, let us put the pieces together. No minutiae. Zero stress. All anticipation.

↓↓ Get Started by Filling Out the Inquiry Form, Below ↓↓

Day 1 :
Days 1-???

<p>It's a surprise!</p>

You can send your enquiry via the form below.

Surprise Vacation in Costa Rica

Costa Rica Wandergram
